
Radiological water Test

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Everyone is exposed to some natural radiation that comes from both cosmic rays and terrestrial sources. Although there are large geographic variations in the amount of natural background radiation. A small proportion of this unavoidable background radiation comes from drinking water that contains radionuclides. Drinking water testing ensures it is safe for human consumption.

The precision of estimation of the health risks associated with radioactivity in drinking water could be enhanced if several water systems were analyzed to determine the complete distributions of beta and alpha radiation that constitute the gross counting measurements.

Because the precise ratio of radium-228 to radium-226 in water has not been measured

extensively, an attempt should be made to determine the ratio in several ground and surface waters whose content of radium-226 is known. The percentage of the daughter radionuclides present should be determined.

Because radon is a noble gas that is quickly released from water, it is possible that, in some areas of high radon content, water vapor containing radon might constitute an inhalation hazard when such water is used, for example, in humidifiers or for showers. A determination should be made whether or not radon emanations from water do indeed constitute an inhalation hazard.

The radiation associated with most water supplies is such a small proportion of the normal background to which all human beings are exposed, that it is difficult, if not impossible, to measure any adverse health effects with certainty. In a few water supplies, however, radium can reach concentrations that pose a higher risk of bone cancer for the people exposed.

Organisations working with potentially radioactive substances must determine radioactivity levels and identify specific radionuclides

We offer Radiological testing service in all kinds of water samples for the following parameters:

  • Alpha emitters,
  • Beta emitters,
  • Cesium-134,
  • Cesium-137,
  • Cesium-134+137,
  • Uranium,
  • Strontium -90,
  • Radium isotopes.

We issue a certificate of radioactivity analysis. Call our team today to accurately determine radiation levels in your products.

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